It was great to be able to use our experience and last years analyses to shrink this survey this year from over 150 questions in 30 minutes to a far more helpful set of TEN key questions done in FIVE minutes (including free text feedback of course). This follows our hard-won knowledge that the only […]
Working with HelpForce and the Royal Free Hospital to support volunteering excellence
We had a great assignment this year working with HelpForce and the Royal Free Hospital looking at great practices in volunteer engagement at this outstanding trust. Our challenge was to help the organisation to see itself through fresh eyes; to structure learnings from the past and to set ambitions to strive for as continued improvement. […]
Evaluating the Baby Box trial at Queen Charlotte’s – äitiyspakkaus for all!
This was a great project with a group of passionate docs at Imperial and Queen Charlotte’s. Thanks so much to Karen Joash and her team for asking us to help. We looked at data from a trial of a free Baby Box to a huge cohort of new mums, to learn and improve for the […]
Is anyone doing great stuff with the patient comments in the NHS Friend and Family test?
Is anyone doing great stuff with friends and family data? Especially the free text comments which are by far the richest part of it. There are over one million pieces of feedback completed by patients each month. This has been building up for a number of years now at Trusts and GP surgeries. We explored […]
Just delivered our report on trainee feedback for the London School of Paediatrics
That was a fun project with a great team to work with as it so often is with engaged clinicians. A cross-hospital group of junior doctors and consultants had been running an annual feedback survey across all London trusts. With a few years’ worth of data under their belts they were feeling somewhat weighed down […]
Gettings to the benefits of digital health care
An interesting report from Nuffield Trust released last week about digital healthcare…technology and data. It covers the opportunities, but also the need for it to rise up to top level importance and NHS board discussions rather than be seen as “technology stuff”. It’s based on extensive interviews and case studies in UK, USA and other […]